3B Formula


3B Formula by Coach Tomy

Vision is what keeps us alive, ignites passion and inspires us to make actions. The following is 3B formula that Tomy follows to achieve his short-term and long-term goals and enjoy his life.


Number one factor that affects our state of mind is FOCUS. What do you choose to focus? Our brain is designed to always look for the threats and ways to save us.  It’s been doing it for two million years. The main question here is how we can maintain control of our state of mind, be focused and master our emotions. The followings are the ways Tomy uses to be in a right state of mind every day and master his emotions and master every area of his life.


Emotions are created by motion. Emotions are linked to movements in our body. You can instantly change your mood if you start moving with your body. By changing your heart rates, you can release the stress in your body and elevate your mind. Tomy starts his day with his powerful daily exercise routines like an athlete and does calisthenics, HIIT (Highly Intensive Interval trainings), cardio, ballistic movements, and variety of other exercises. You do not have to train like an athlete to be in a right state of mind. Any exercise or activity that involves moderate or intensive breathwork at the beginning of the day may help you to be focused and be in a state of mind when you are energized, creative and know what you want to do.


It is one of the main factors impacting our energy levels, mood, health, and overall wellbeing. Tomy is a certified sport nutritionist and strategically follows certain diets to support his exercise routines, be fit and keep his energy and vitality elevated and be in a functional and ready state of mind daily.


Just like moving your body and changing your posture smile can change your state by sending positive signals to your brain. Doing it may sound easy, not doing it is easy as well. Tomy puts on his headphones and listens to his energizing songs while exercising early in the morning. Combination of smiling, exercising, and listening to his favorite songs helps him to change his state of mind and start his mornings in a highly positive and energizing state of mind.


Tomy believes that by creating right habits that are aligned with your values will help you to achieve your goals fast and make your journey enjoyable. Consistency in right habits is key to gain clarity and maintain focus in your daily life. Start building habits that lasts. Right and aligned habits will help you to gain certainty. That is what makes an athlete a champion and may turn any person into a star. Simple, consistent, and right habits compounded over a long period of time will give magical results and help you stay ahead of your game, master any skill, achieve success in any area of your life.


When we are not present with ourselves our mind is pulled either into the past or future. Observe your self-communication for a moment when you are not present. What does it tell you? Does it criticize you? Does it always pull you back into a situation when you could have done the things in the past differently or do you constantly ask yourself how things could go wrong with the things that are not under your control and focus on negative future instead of how could things work right? Criticism is beneficial when you are controlling it and be in the present and make an effective use of it by assessing them objectively and learning from them.


Catch yourself when you are not present, and you are in your head. What’s happening with you? Observe the questions that you ask yourself. It may sound ridiculous, however that’s how it works. If you ask yourself a lousy question, you receive a lousy answer. For example, if you constantly keep asking yourself the same question “Why does this always happen to me?”. The answer generated may be negative, probably one of these “You are stupid, weak, you are poor, don’t know what to do, coward, you are little, you don’t have a talent and etc” If you change the question you ask yourself, you probably may get a different answer. For example, what is under my control in this situation or what might I do in this case to make things work? Asking right and powerful questions is a skill and habit which may require time and efforts.


When you are not present, observe yourself as if you are looking at yourself from the wall or through the eyes of somebody else. What do you see? If you mostly having a negative self-talk, you will probably have different posture compared when you have a positive or excited self-talk. When you are having these symptoms, pay attention to your body. When you are in negative emotional state your body language will probably respond accordingly to these negative signals. Emotions are created by motions. Observe yourself when you are not present, observe your breathing, have a good posture, be alert, stand tall, start moving, and clap with your hands, and you will react differently.


The key to uncovering your potential and have extraordinary life has nothing to do with events or people outside, the real change happens is within. You must change within to change how you feel, how you look at things.  What your beliefs? Are they destructive, positive, beneficial, or negative? You have probably created some beliefs in your life consciously or unconsciously based on situations you faced in your life. Do your beliefs help you live your life as you wish or drag you to unhappiness, undesirable state, anxiety or cause negative feelings? Examine your beliefs, eliminate them with empowering ones that will help you feel alive, strong, and resourceful.


Ready to take the next steps? Schedule your FREE 60-minute coaching session with Coach Tomy, the Inspiration Coach!